What Is Two Phase Orthodontic Treatment?

Today, thanks to years of research, and proven treatment plans we are able to see children in our orthodontic offices earlier and earlier. When considering orthodontic treatment you may even be surprised that they can be referred to an orthodontist much sooner than you were as a child.

Like almost any other area of our lives today, technology in orthodontic treatment has greatly improved. This has made it an overall easier to manage and more comfortable process than you might remember when you were a teen with braces.

The advancements in technology have also allowed us to explore and advance best practices for the multitude of different scenarios we see inside a patient’s mouth. Your child’s orthodontic treatment plan will be as unique as they are!

One thing, this earlier intervention orthodontic has allowed us to do with great success is two phase orthodontic treatment.

What is Two Phase Orthodontic Treatment?

This treatment process can be done when patients come to us earlier in their childhood. Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a specialized process that combines tooth straightening and physical, facial changes. The purpose of two-phase treatment is to maximize the opportunity to accomplish the ideal healthy, functional, and aesthetic result that will remain stable throughout your child’s life.

Because your child’s teeth, mouth, and facial structure are still forming in these early years, we have seen this type of treatment prevent the need for more invasive treatment options later on in life.

Phase One

The first phase of this treatment plan focuses more on the facial structure that is developing. We want to make sure the jaw develops in a way that will have space for all permanent teeth. We will also address the way the upper and lower jaw fit together.

In your initial consultation our team will gather all the records needed to analyze your child’s teeth and facial structure and use that as the launching point for their treatment plan.

Should a two phase treatment plan be right for your child, we can get them started right away with these phase one jaw and facial corrections through the recommended treatment. This usually includes an expander, partial braces, or other spacing options.

Rest Period

Between The two phases of treatment your child will have a rest period where they aren’t receiving any treatment. In this time we will continue to monitor how their teeth and jaw are developing. The point of phase one treatment is to create enough room for all your child’s permanent teeth to grow in. During the rest period we will see that happen.

Phase Two

This phase will begin once all the permanent teeth have erupted. Now is the time to get all these permanent teeth in the correct place for a beautiful and healthy smile. This phase usually includes a full set of braces to help move the teeth into place.

Benefits of Two Phase Orthodontic Treatment

As an Orthodontist serving Beavercreek, Ohio we have seen this two phase approach to orthodontic treatment be extremely successful for parent’s and young patient’s overall goals.

Parents who bring their children in for early orthodontic treatment and choose a two phase treatment plan, save their child’s smile in the long run. We have seen that early intervention treatment, like this, can save children from having to have permanent teeth extracted later in life and prevent the need for surgical procedures for jaw alignment.

If you think your child could benefit from any sort of orthodontic treatment, contact us as Dhingra Ortho. We have orthodontic offices in Springfield, Beavercreek, and Bellefontaine, Ohio. We are excited to treat your child today so they can have a brighter smile tomorrow!