Understanding the Anatomy of Your Teeth

Teeth seem pretty simple on the surface. They’re white (usually), they’re hard, and they help you do things like chew food, pronounce consonants, etcBeneath their shiny exterior, however, things become a lot more complex.  

At Dhingra Orthodontics, we believe a person should have a better understanding of their dental makeup. This helps them know how and why they should protect their teeth. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at what exactly our teeth consist of, starting from the inside-out. 

Pulp – The Soft Center 

Pulp is a soft tissue found inside of your teeth. This is where the nerves and sensors for your teeth are. If you feel sharp pain in your teeth, it usually means that decay has penetrated the outer layers and reached the pulp. 

Roots – The Anchor 

About two thirds of a tooth is actually hidden beneath the gums, helping to anchor it in the mouth and connecting it to your jaw. Running through your roots are root canals. Root canals house pulp, allowing the nerves in your teeth to connect to the rest of your body. 

Confusingly, the procedure of removing infected pulp from the tooth is also called a root canal. It involves cleaning the pulp out of a tooth and filing it in. 

Dentin  The Filler 

Around the pulpy center, you have dentin. Dentin is made up of living cells that go down into the roots of your teeth. Though harder than pulp, dentin is quite sensitive. Exposed dentin therefore results in sensitive teeth. 

Additionally, dentin is yellow in appearance. If a person’s enamel begins to wear thin, their teeth will generally appear yellow. 

Enamel – The Tough Exterior 

Enamel is calcified white mineral that appears around your teeth. While it is the strongest part of the tooth, it also takes the most abuse. When the enamel is damaged or penetrated, many tooth problems begin to arise. Proper teeth care helps preserve and strengthen your enamel, leaving you with a healthy mouth. 

Oral Hygiene Can Only Do So Much 

It’s very important to properly take care of your teeth. If your enamel is damaged or worn down, it can’t grow back. Preventive maintenance is a must if you want to keep your teeth in proper condition. Still, there are things that oral hygiene can’t do. For example, if you suffer from an overbite, underbite, overjet, crossbite, or any other type of misalignment, no amount of cleaning is going to fix the problem. 

The only way to correct alignment issues is with orthodontic treatment. 

By straightening your teeth and jaw, you can actually reduce wear on your enamel, protecting the layers beneath. If your teeth are misaligned, contact an orthodontist and learn what treatment option is best for you. For braces and Invisalign in Beavercreek, Ohio and the surrounding communities, contact Dhingra Orthodontics today!